Saturday, June 14, 2008


We seriously limit Tucker's tv watching because it alters his mood/behavior. I guess I have had to explain this to him one too many times. Sometimes he listens too well. This afternoon I sat down to eat my lunch (PB&J and Cheezeits) and to watch TV for a little 'me time'. Tucker was upstairs playing and he starts yelling "Momma! Turn the TV makes you Grumpy."


jani said...

Bryson also listens to well... I call it 'selective hearing'- he pretends he doesn't hear me as I tell him something over and over and then reminds me of it when he catches me doing the same thing-- like when I tell him not to say 'butt' and then he gets on me for saying 'but'... never a dull moment *grin*

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT!!! That is too cute! We call dakota our little microphone b/c he repeats everything as well. This is classic though. You need to write that down somewhere so you remember that one!

The Fokens Family said...

HILARIOUS!! I don't think you have a grumpy bone in your body!!

McKenna Cotton said...

It was so awesome to see you again - seriously think about coming up for a visit!

McKenna Cotton said...

Hey- time for an update girlie!!!